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Writer's pictureJacqueline Fusari

What You Need to Know About Perimenopause

Updated: Jul 31, 2024

Perimenopause can sometimes sneak up on a woman. She may be experiencing a constellation of odd symptoms, seemingly unrelated and unaware that she has entered the perimenopause storm. While many topics associated with women's health are not always discussed in depth, East Asian Medicine talks about natural rhythms of life extensively.

This BLOG is meant to bring some clarity around what is going on in the body during this time, and what can be done to relieve symptoms associated with perimenopause.

Let's talk about PERIMENOPAUSE!

In this BLOG, we are going to discuss ...

What is Perimenopause?

What symptoms are typically experienced during Perimenopause?

What is the difference between Perimenopause and Menopause?

How long does Perimenopause last?

Is there anything I can do to get relief?

What is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is a natural rhythm in a woman's life as they transition, generally speaking, from being able to have children to a nonreproductive phase. This is our "second puberty," if you will, but less fun than the first time. Perimenopause can often feel like a roller coaster of symptoms. It doesn't have to be that way.

For many women, this shift into perimenopause is a gradual transition. Some women experience a more rapid onset of symptoms due to medical reasons, such as surgery.

From the time we are born, the number of eggs available in each woman gradually decreases throughout her life. During Perimenopause, ovulation and the menstrual cycle become irregular and a woman's ability to reproduce reduces.

What symptoms are typically experienced during Perimenopause?

Some symptoms commonly experienced by many women during perimenopause include:

  • night sweats

  • hot flashes

  • insomnia

  • mood swings

  • acne

  • decreased libido

  • dryness (skin, vaginal, etc.)

  • hair loss

  • irregular mensuration

  • urinary issues

  • weight gain

  • headaches

  • fatigue

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • joint pain

  • brain fog

  • difficulty concentrating

  • decreased fertility

All of these symptoms are signs and information from the body that things are not functioning efficiently and are out of balance. Many women assume these symptoms come with the territory and are a natural part of life. I'm here to tell you, they are not. You can go through perimenopause and transition to menopause free of symptoms or with reduced symptoms that are manageable. Yes, the body is pivoting into a new phase. This pivot is totally physiological, not pathological. But sometimes the body can get stuck and needs a little support to smooth out this journey.

So, if you're experiencing these symptoms, let chat!

What is the difference between Perimenopause and Menopause?

Perimenopause is the transition between the reproductive phase into menopause. During the reproductive phase, a woman tends to have regular periods and ovulation times. In menopause, a woman no longer has periods, is not ovulating, and cannot reproduce. Periods and ovulation often become irregular during perimenopause, causing a decrease in fertility and the ability to conceive. Once a woman experiences twelve consecutive months without a period, she is considered in menopause.

How long does Perimenopause last?

How long perimenopause lasts can vary from woman to woman, anywhere from a few months to ten years. "What!?" If you're experiencing daily night sweats, hot flashes, low libido, and mood swings, you're probable thinking, "I can't deal with this for 10 years!" You don't have to. East Asian Medicine works phenomenally well to restore balance in the body and easy symptoms associated with perimenopause. I have lots of tools in my toolbox to facilitate a smooth transition through this pivotal time.

Is there anything I can do to get relief?

Yes! These symptoms don't have to be an inevitable part of your journey. Women don't have to endure and suffer through this.

1.Things to do at home that can affect perimenopausal symptoms:

  • Diet: Some foods that can make your ride through perimenopause town a bit unpleasant include dairy, gluten, greasy foods, spicy foods, and alcohol. Minimizing or staying away from these foods may help bring you some relief. In East Asian Medicine, we want to restore balance in the body. So, when you have symptoms associated with heat, try not to add more heat to your system.

    • Dairy products can exacerbate sweating, urinary issues, fatigue, and weight gain.

    • Dairy and gluten can be inflammatory and slow down the metabolism, contribute to weight gain and cause pain symptoms to flare.

    • Alcohol, greasy foods, and spicy foods tend to create excess heat in the body. Excess heat can aggravate symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, dryness, urinary issues, and anxiety.

  • Sleep: A good night sleep can help all the systems to function better. When your body is functioning well, symptoms will be minimal or nonexistent. Good quality and good quantity sleep support the body in detoxing, regulating hormones, and regulating the autonomic nervous system. Poor sleep can contribute to feeling sluggish, brain fog, poor memory, fatigue, anxiety, and weight gain (all common symptoms experienced in perimenopause).

  • Exercise: Regular movement and exercise can be a tremendous support and help ease many symptoms associated with perimenopause. Feelings of frustration, irritability, anxiety, and depression can all become worse when we are more sedentary. In East Asian Medicine, these are signs of Liver Qi Stagnation and things are not flowing in the body as they are meant to. Emotional stress can cause our energy, or Qi, to become stuck. We may notice feelings of tension and constraint. One of the best ways to get things moving smoothy and feel more at ease, is to move your body. Whether you enjoy walking, jogging, playing golf, playing pickleball, doing yoga, or something else, just try to incorporate some type of exercise several times a week. Try to engage in something that is fun for you and brings you joy. Regular movement keeps the liver happy, helps minimize stress and tension, and helps manage those perimenopause symptoms.

  • Work: Overworking or working long hours without adequate rest, can deplete the body of foundational essence and nutrients. This can leave the body without the resources it needs to go through perimenopause with ease. Try to balance work and rest. We need both.


Yin & Yang Balance

There is a yin and yang to everything in life. Yang is the expansion, action, work. Yin is the contraction, essence, resting, nourishing. We need a balance of both yin and yang to function optimally. When yin and yang become out of balance, it can cause symptoms as a signal from the body that something isn't quite right. This can happen when we overwork for extended periods of time, our sleep is poor, or we have a nutrient-poor diet. It is important to pay attention to symptoms when they appear, and not just push through and ignore them.

In East Asian Medicine we use a holistic approach to wellness. We look at the whole person and gather information about how each system is functioning. By identifying areas where the body needs support, we are able to create an individualized treatment plan to restore balance to the body and help support it function more efficiently.


2.Acupuncture may be able to help...

Some benefits of Acupuncture can include:

  • reduces inflammation

  • regulates hormones

  • improves lymphatic drainage

  • boosts immune system

  • improves circulation

  • supports healthy metabolism

  • oxygenates cells throughout body

  • relieves aches and pains

There is not one treatment that will be effective for all cases of perimenopause. That's why it's important to speak with a licensed acupuncturist about your specific symptoms and experience.

When someone comes to my office seeking relief for symptoms associated with perimenopause, I assess how their body is functioning overall and develop a plan that is therapeutically appropriate for them. Along with Acupuncture, I sometimes incorporate Herbal supplements that can offer great relief for some people. There are many herbal supplements to choose from and it is important to speak with a trained practitioner and herbalist to find an option that works for you.

To learn more about how I may be able to help you feel like yourself again, check out my Hormone Balancing page:


Reach out for a free 15 minute consultation to discuss your personal health and wellness goals. Book directly by clicking the button below.

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