Avon, CT
Helping relieve symptoms
naturally & holistically
Acupuncture and Herbal Supplements work with the body's natural mechanisms for healing and regulating. We are not manipulating how your body functions during a treatment, or adding any chemicals to your system. We are supporting your body to function as it is intended, more efficiently. Our bodies are wise and have everything they need to function as they were meant to. Sometimes they need a little reminder when things have gotten off track. I use all natural approaches to help the body get back on track, back towards homeostasis, and restore ease. When things are functioning well, you can be engaged in your life with energy and feeling good in your body.
My Approach to Treatment
My approach is holistic. When someone comes to me with a digestive complaint, there are many other systems that may be involved and affected. In this case, only addressing the digestion may not bring lasting results. However, bringing the entire body back towards homeostasis, can regulate the digestive issues present and bring long term ease. I gather information to determine where the body is getting stuck and design a treatment plan to help the body function efficiently. Each treatment is individualized and specific for that person. I use all natural modalities to support the body. Regulating your digestive issues can be a journey. I collaborate with my patients and learn how to create more ease in their lives.